Now supports prices at 17+ exchanges for 500+ different coins!
NO ADS. Donations accepted here (BTC): 1HKqFBR2h6Z8PATF5g2yKN7Vh65Gudqact
A simple widget (not an app!) that displays the current price of your favorite cryptocurrency according to your choice of exchange. You can choose to view the price estimated as one of a dozen major currencies.
IMPORTANT: having network issues with Android 6+? Check your power saving settings to make sure that "Restrict all background data" is set to OFF.
Since this is a widget, it won't show up in your app tray, only in the widget tray. Also, Some users have reported needing to reboot in order for the widget to show up.
Tap once to refresh now. Tap twice quickly to reconfigure.
Any time a number was estimated it is marked with an asterisk.
Questions or comments? Please post to the bitcointalk page:
version 79:
- Fix bug whereby newer versions of android were not showing millibits and microbits prices anymore.
version 78:
- add time format override (12 vs 24 hour) to global options
version 77:
- add global options, ability to select port 80
version 75:
- add a main activity and sha512 test
2016-02-21 version 73&74:
- fix memory leak by disabling ads
- remove extraneous server queries
2016-02-17 version 72:
- fix a couple rare crashes
2016-02-13 version 71:
- fix a couple of relatively minor UI glitches
2016-02-09 version 70:
- NOTE: you will probably need to reconfigure or delete/add your widgets after this update!
- the time displayed at the bottom of each widget used to be misleading: if the data was cached, the time still showed like it was fresh. Now it shows the time the data was actually pulled from the exchange.
- groundwork has been laid for user-submitted coin images
- "old world currency" is now "also display as", and behavior is more consistent
- remove cryptsy, added cryptopia
version 68
- new preview icon
- add coinsetter
version 67
- added quadrigaCX
version 66
- remove delisted coins from btc-e
- update name to Digital Currency Widget in more spots
version 65
- add arrows to indicate tick direction
- switch from bitstamp to more reliable service for btc/usd rate
version 64
- add OKCoin
- change logo
- tweak rounding
version 63:
- replace currency exchange rate infrastructure
- allow setting custom update intervals
- remove mintpal
version 62:
- add c-cex exchange
version 61:
- include the coin name under the exchange
- became
version 60:
- fix issue causing crashes related to fetching currency exchange rates
- remove just-dice / doge-dice (also causing crashes for a few users)
version 59:
- add images for monero (XMR) and reddcoin
version 58:
- add bittrex
- add bitfinex
- remove preev
version 57:
- add poloniex
version 56:
- add mintpal
- add darkcoin (drk) image
version 55:
- restrict kraken pairs to those that work with the widget (unfortunately, not many)
- add a few more coin images
- fix bter api (http -> https)
- add cavirtex ltc price
version 54:
- add KRW
- switch to google currency API
- add all Kraken pairs
- add btcchina LTC
- remove mtgox
version 53:
- add mastercoin (masterXchange)
- update a bunch of images
version 52:
- add new image for XCP
- add doge-dice stats
version 51:
- add XCP prices from
- add image for vertcoin
version 50:
- add total site profit and profit % stats from
version 49:
- add
version 48:
- add support for coins-e
- add nxt image
- add MAX and a few other coins at
version 47:
- add images for florincoin, unobtanium, and protoshares
- add preev (
- increase decimal precision for small owc values (e.g. $.0012)
version 46:
- add memorycoin image
- fix vircurex api</br></br>